Residential Playground Surfaces

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Creating a fun playground space for children involves researching the safety of any pieces of playground equipment. But it also requires safe residential playground surfaces underneath the equipment, protecting the children against falls from height and after tripping and falling.

Whether creating a playground in the backyard at home or building a new playground at a daycare center, church, or school, cushioned tiles from Greatmats are a must.

Size and Shape Options

Many of our options for residential playground surfaces for sale consist of flooring in the form of interlocking tiles. This design greatly simplifies the installation process, as the tiles snap together for an installation process that novices can handle.

These are often large tiles, as this is the best way to cover a big space like a playground as quickly as possible. Tiles measuring 2x2 feet are extremely common for this use case. Although the larger size makes these tiles heavier, it allows the installer to do the work faster compared to using 1x1 foot tiles.

However, if you are simply creating a landing mat underneath a swing set or slide in the backyard, our 1x1 foot tiles may be the perfect size to simplify the installation.

Thicknesses vary significantly, depending on the model of residential playground tile in use. Our tiles up to 3.25 inches in thickness provide a higher level of cushioning than thin tiles. However, our thin tiles are far lighter, such as our 9/16-inch PVC tiles.

Material Options

The majority of tiles for residential playground surfaces that we offer consist of thick rubber. We source these recycled rubber tiles from manufacturers in the United States, allowing our customers to feel comfortable with the quality of the materials they are receiving.

Rubber works well for either an indoor or outdoor playground surface. It has excellent traction, meaning children will have a lower risk of slipping and falling, even when the surface is wet.

Rubber also offers cushioning that protects children who may fall while running or playing. For concerns about children falling from taller playground equipment, select extremely thick tiles for added protection.

We also offer residential playground surfaces that consist of PVC plastic. These tiles are almost as durable as rubber, but they weigh far less than rubber, which should simplify the installation process.

Pattern and Texture Options

The majority of tiles for residential playground surfaces have a smooth layer across the top of the rubber. Because rubber naturally provides grip and traction for people running on it, there’s no need to create an extra-textured pattern on the rubber.

In outdoor areas where persistent rainwater is a concern, consider selecting perforated PVC plastic tiles. These tiles have small holes and grooves that extend throughout the thickness of the tile, allowing the water to drain through to the ground underneath. There’s no worry about puddles forming on the surface.

Common Use Options

Frequently, our tiles will appear at playgrounds where equipment is in use. These rubber tiles are safer than other common residential playground surfaces, such as mulch, gravel, concrete, bare dirt, or grass. All those surfaces have a greater risk of injury for kids after a fall than our tiles.

Some indoor adventure centers may install these tiles underneath a rock climbing wall, creating a safer space should someone fall. Gymnasiums feature these tiles in weightlifting areas, as the rubber protects the subfloor from dropped barbells and cuts down on noise generation.

Thick rubber tiles are great on a patio or deck where people want a comfortable place to gather outdoors. They also work well around a splash pad outdoors, where children may be running with wet feet.

Installation Options

These tiles go directly over the top of almost any surface, as long as it is relatively flat.

When going over concrete, installers can glue the tiles to the surface to secure the installation. Some designs make use of an interlocking system that secures adjacent tiles to each other and eliminates the need to add glue.

To create a space that is ADA-compliant, we offer some ramps that attach to the edge of the perimeter of the layout, eliminating the thick lip that could create a tripping hazard or that could prevent a wheelchair from moving onto the surface of the rubber.

Our PVC playground tiles make use of a hidden interlocking edge, which simplifies the installation process.

Cleaning and Maintenance Requirements

Maintaining these tiles is a far easier process than with mulch or rubber crumbs, which will wear away and need replenishing on an annual basis.

When used indoors, you will want to remove dry debris from the surface of the tiles occasionally with a push broom or a vacuum cleaner. If desired, you can mop or spot-clean the rubber with a neutral pH solution or a disinfectant. Avoid cleansers with bleach.

Outdoors, use a push broom or a leaf blower to clean the surface of the tiles. If desired, rinse the tiles with a garden hose and sprayer.